Saturday, July 2, 2011

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This article is a news story on the potential forthcoming sale of blackboard, which is a popular course management system for many institutions. It would be going from a public company to a private company. The transition will likely occur Q4 2011. It is going to be purchased by Providence Equity Partners, who have already made other educational investments.
This has the potential to be a big game changer for academia as there are thousands of institutions that use blackboard and this could affect all of them. As of right now, the company has not expressed any intent to diverge from the existing blackboard road map. We will see what happens as time goes on . . .
I chose this article because it is a topic that has interested me for quite some time both as a student and as someone interested in open source software. It will be curious for me to see how this influences the install base of the open source solution moodle.

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